至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Growth and Development

Career Planning

Career Planning


Our school firmly believes that every student who attends Zhenhe School has his or her own uniqueness and potential. Through comprehensive career planning education, the school improves students' general abilities, life skills, and cultivates their proper values ​​and attitudes, so that they can learn to adapt to their own abilities and interests. and the need to make informed choices/decisions and prepare for a smooth transition to adult service life, leading to a better and quality life.


Our school's career planning can be divided into four different stages. Through daily process training, life planning elements are added to class lessons and activities, so that students can learn relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes at different learning stages.


At the junior primary stage, we mainly train students' self-care abilities and learning routines so that they have a solid foundation for life and learning abilities.


At the upper primary school level, we mainly cultivate students' skills in getting along with others, and increase interaction and communication with others through different game interactions.


Entering the junior high school stage, our "Experience Art Workshop through Emotions" - "Snorkeling and Dancing Valley" takes body rhythm as the main axis and uses art to allow students to explore, express, reflect and become aware of different emotions from multi-sensory experiences. States, including emotions: joy, joy, sadness, and anger.


In addition, at the high school level, we mainly improve students' self-protection and self-management abilities to adapt to growth changes, such as understanding the physical changes of men and women during puberty and using puppet simulation scenarios to teach students how to protect themselves. We also provide students with different jobs on campus to learn how to serve others. Finally, we cooperated with the Social Work Department to provide students with a graduate career path and prepare students for transfer of titles.


Cooperate with external agency performance centers to provide students with internships:


On-campus workplace canteen—Zhenzhen interesting internship


In addition to the above training, the school coordinates different groups to provide students with diverse interest activities to cultivate and develop students' different interests and unleash their potential. It is hoped that they can continue to develop according to their own interests after graduation.