至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Learning and Teaching

Life-wide outdoor learning

Life-wide outdoor learning


In General Studies, a life-wide learning activity – outdoor learning is arranged for each class to participate in the community every month, students have the opportunity to learn about and use different community facilities, interact with different community members, learn to abide by social norms, complete shopping procedures and maintain appropriate eating etiquette, etc., so as to facilitate students' integration into the community. General Studies encourages students to interact with the community outside the school during outdoor learning, such as shopping at supermarkets, buying tickets to museums, ordering food, buying bus tickets, etc., students can learn to observe social etiquette, interact with others, and maintain emotional stability and quiet during activities to enhance students' social skills. General Studies also arranges students to engage in outdoor learning on Chinese cultural topics, such as visits to the Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Golden Bauhinia Square, etc., so that students can understand Chinese culture and Hong Kong as an inseparable part of China, and enhance students' national identity.