至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Growth and Development

Diversified Culticating Activity Team

Diversified Culticating Activity Team


 In order to enrich students' different learning experiences and cultivate their personal interests and good characters, the Team organizes diversified training activities, such as: interest classes, specific trainings, after-school learning support, cultural and artistic activities and large-scale activities, to allow students to extend, expand and promote learning from their personal experiences, improve learning effectiveness and promote development in multiple aspects. Through the following diversified cultivating activities, students can gain learning experiences unobtainable from classrooms.

 Fun Campus - Interest Classes

    Different interest classes and specific trainings are organized according to students’ interests and abilities. The School's teachers, therapists and specific training instructors will lead students to participate in interest and training classes to enrich their different learning experiences, explore their potentials and cultivate personal interests. Different interest classes and specific trainings are held on Wednesday afternoons, such as talent workshops, little musicians, adventure training and multi-channel storytelling, etc.

 After-school learning support

    Our School offers aromatherapy massage training to students with special needs. Professional aroma therapists will guide teachers and staff to massage students’ hands to relax their bodies. 

  Cultural and artistic activities

     To provide students with opportunities to learn about and explore different cultures and arts as well as to develop their interest in and knowledge of cultural and artistic activities, Chinese cultural activities, shadow puppetry workshops and other activities are organized. Students also participate in activities such as "School Cultural Day Scheme” organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

  Large-scale events

     School picnic day, themed activity day, diversified cultivating activity week and graduation ceremony


Cultural and artistic activities


School picnic


Closing Ceremony


Graduation Ceremony


Aromatherapy massage training