至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Rehabilitation Care

Speech Therapy


What is speech therapy?

Speech therapy is a professional rehabilitation service for people with communication (including listening, speaking, reading and writing) and/or swallowing difficulties. Speech therapists provide early identification, professional assessment and diagnostic services for people with communication and swallowing disorders, develop individualized treatment plans, and provide relevant advice and consultation services. In addition, speech therapists will provide relevant counseling and follow-up services to individuals, families, and support groups in need, and educate the public on relevant information.

Speech therapists practicing in Hong Kong are required to obtain a qualifying degree from a recognized university.



Therapists provide training to students individually or in small groups. Service scope:

  • Encourage students to communicate verbally
  • Train students to communicate with people in non-verbal ways
    • Train students to identify objects, photos, pictures or words, help students develop auxiliary communication tools
    • Work with other therapists to design suitable communication books or communication machines for students and train them to use the tools
    • Sign language training
  • Provide oral muscle training to improve students' oral muscle movement as well as chewing and swallowing skills
  • Provide feeding training to help students with swallowing difficulties
  • Provide feeding supervision services to help teachers and staff to feed and train students safely
  • Invite parents to assist in the training to teach them related skills for continual learning at home


Oral muscle training


Communication training


Parent talk


Faculty Lectures


Cornwall Happy Channel