至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Rehabilitation Care



What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a kind of non-medical physical mean based on western medical science. Physiotherapy works through physical stimulation to human body inducing physiological responses in order to achieve therapeutic goals. Physical means includes electrical stimulation, water buoyancy, cryotherapy, heat therapy, phototherapy, therapeutic exercises and manual therapeutic technique. Aims of therapy are to relief pain, improve functional mobility and cardiovascular endurance in order to enhance normal activities of daily living and improve quality of life.


Therapeutic exercises:

  • Normalize muscle tone
  • Improve body functions
  • Increase muscle strength
  • Maintain / enhance joint mobility and function


Developmental training

  • Gross motor training such as positions transfer, sitting/standing balance and gait training.


Pain management


Manual therapy:

  • Active and passive stretching exercises, Passive joint mobilization


Standing and gait training with appropriate assistive devices


Chest therapy


Design or fabricate rehabilitation equipment such as orthotic shoes, ankle-and-foot orthosis and wheelchair modification


Walking coordination and balance training


Back strength training


Stretching exercises