至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Learning and Teaching

General Studies - Teaching Strategies


The General Studies subject will apply "situational teaching" as its main teaching mode for various study topics of each class, at the same time introduce elements of inquiry-based learning to arouse students' interest in and curiosity about the topics. Situational teaching can be divided into "simulated situational teaching" and "real situational teaching". The former is to decorate the venue into a specific environment to let students feel as if they are in the real situation. The latter is to bring students to various real environments for learning, to provide them with personal feelings and experiences as well as the opportunities to practise what they have learned. In addition to simulation and real-life practices, General Studies also emphasizes the learning element of "conductive inquiry", with teachers bringing out or guiding students to discover problems in different situations, so that they can identify and distinguish the problems through observations and sensory experiences. Students can even try to classify and compare and/or establish objective criteria from the information and/or data obtained from their observations and experiences, then conduct simple analysis and judgment and finally come up with solutions to the problems.