至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Learning and Teaching

General Studies - Project Study

Project Study

  • The General Studies Department organizes interdisciplinary thematic studies every year to allow students to further explore and integrate topics and develop students' ability to think critically.
  • Every student in our school is required to participate in a project study and conduct research on one or more learning areas. Each class of students will complete a project study report. Students are encouraged to communicate and collaborate with each other. Groups are appropriately introduced at different stages of the project study. Learn and develop students’ communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills.
  • Project learning is a staged learning process. Teachers first guide students to formulate topics and design inquiry methods on different topics, including outdoor field studies, then collect, analyze and organize data, and finally report and display the results. The project study report will record the process and learning results of students' participation in the project study.




Express wishes


Prerequisite knowledge


Situational learning






Electronic questionnaire