至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Learning and Teaching

Visual Arts - Teaching strategies

Teaching strategies



In order to comprehensively develop students' artistic creation ability, teachers will guide students to make use of different presentations, materials and techniques of visual arts to create works, such as two-dimensional, three-dimensional, installation and other media. Electronic technology will also be used for creation, such as squeezable light bulbs, e-books, remote control cars and others, to boost students’ initiative in activity participation and provide more room for their development. Students' works will be posted or displayed in classrooms, the visual art room and different corners of the campus, so that students can often come into contact with art works in their daily lives, to arouse their interest in artistic creation and provide more opportunities for students to appreciate each other’s works. In addition to classroom works, various activities across different arts and learning areas will be organized, for example, "Art Day" co-organized with the Music subject and "Case Study Activity Week" co-organized with the Language subject, to help students to learn by linking up the learning experiences of Music, Visual Arts and Language subjects. By visiting different art galleries or exhibitions, students can broaden their artistic horizons as well as improve their evaluation and creation abilities.