至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Community Connections

Community Connections

Community Connections


Inclusive activities

To create opportunities for mainstream schools students, community members or volunteers to get along and interact with our students through co-organizing or participating in different types of activities, or even organize activities to provide services to organizations in the district (e.g. elderly centers or special child care centers). On the one hand, the purpose of organizing regular inclusive activities is to let the community understand the potential and limitations of persons with intellectual disabilities, and to eliminate the misunderstanding and even discrimination caused by their "general" lack of understanding of persons with intellectual disabilities. On the other hand, it also provides opportunities for students to have more contact with the community and integrate into the community through performances, interactions and activities, so as to enhance their adaptability and independence in community life.


-I have a date with environmental protection X Yinghua College


-Visiting activities at Baitian Center


-Visit to Ni Wenling Child Care Center