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Invitational Education

Cornwall at a glance

Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision




In the spirit of “education for all” and “whole-person education”, Cornwall provides educational, rehabilitation and residential services for students with “severe learning disabilities” from primary to secondary school, cultivating students’ physical, mental and moral development, enhancing their self-management skills and giving back to the community, embodying the spirit of the school motto “health, happiness, politeness, community".




To uphold the mission statement of “virtuous and beautiful, harmonious and inclusive” and to implement the spirit and principles of “invitational education”, so that Cornwall School can become a school where learning and caring are important and where everyone can develop their potential and improve themselves.


Invitational Education


According to the "Invitational Education" theory advocated by Professor William Purkey from the United States, every student is unique with various potentials, which need to be brought into full play based on the attitudes of mutual respect, optimism and caring, combined with the deliberate coordination of the 5Ps of a school (namely Place, People, Program, Process and Policy), to create a warm and encouraging environment for students beneficial to their growth and learning.

Since 2009, our School has implemented the spirit and principle of "Invitational Education" as a blueprint for planning our development in various aspects. In terms of “Policy”, our School is committed to deliberately implementing measures and strategies beneficial to students’ growth based on respect, trust and optimism. Moreover, our School also attaches great importance to the communication and connection among various School departments and the dormitory. Therefore, a number of electronic systems have been established to enable close communication among departments and allow detailed records of students’ physical and learning conditions for the provision of a healthy school life to our students. Meanwhile, “People” is also a very important element of our School. In addition to the learning of students, our School also values the continuous education of teachers and staff as well as communication with parents. Besides the organization of regular teacher training activities, we have also established a “Parents’ School” to organize various parent activities and workshops to strengthen mutual communication and provide parents with various useful information. In terms of courses and activities (“Program”), our School is committed to providing a variety of learning activities, with different learning support teams to help students in need for the promotion of learning effectiveness. Elements of "autonomy and self-determination" as well as communication are incorporated into activities to encourage students to express their thoughts and feelings. In terms of “Process”, for the implementation of various measures or policies, our School gives weight to not only the planning but also the review of the process, which involves the review and sharing after the completion of the schemes to optimize various policies and measures through the collection of different opinions. Finally, in terms of “Place”, a safe and comfortable school environment is of course indispensable. In addition to infrastructure, our School also pays close attention to campus decoration, to create a warm and happy atmosphere by placing positive and encouraging messages throughout the campus.