至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Growth and Development

Student Learning Progress Profile

Student Learning Progress Profile


  • An electronic life progress file the School established for each student, to record students’ growth process, learning progress in different areas and personal records inside and outside the School for each school year, including their health conditions, learning records and performance in various subjects, activities participated in and awards received, other learning experiences, photos of various learning activities inside and outside the School and other information.


  • Through the profile, different School Departments can assess the learning needs of students within their profession scopes and conduct cross-team communication and discussion at the learning profile meeting at the beginning of each school year to jointly set personal long-term and short-term learning goals for students. In addition to strengthening collaboration and communication among various Departments, the profile also enables teachers and staff to effectively plan for students’ overall learning and improve their learning effectiveness.