至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Meals and accommodation

Meals and accommodation


Hall Characteristics


  • Healthy Hall and Happy Hall on the first floor


“Healthy Hall" and "Happy Hall" on the first floor provide accommodation services mainly for boarding students with epilepsy or infirmity. The Halls will organize activities such as group and process training as well as unit activities. Conductive educational model is applied as the medium of teaching, utilizing teaching aids, furniture and rhythmical intention to induce students to learn, so as to promote systematic development of their muscle energy, speech, intelligence, social ability and emotions.


  • Courtesy Hall and Community Hall on the second floor



“Courtesy Hall" and "Community Hall" on the second floor provide students with a "home-like" feeling with the layout and facilities of a household environment, allowing them to experience the fun of home living, so as to increase their sense of belonging to the Halls. Most boarding students have good muscle energy. The staff will implement various self-care and home training in the daily process according to their ability, to provide them the opportunities to practise and learn, integrating training into life to cultivate their capability of independent living.