至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Learning and Teaching

Curriculum Structure

Curriculum Structure


Our School focuses on the cultivation of students' morality, living habits, proactive learning and positive values. Through coherent and comprehensive curriculums, we inspire students' potentials and promote their physical, social, language, artistic and other developments, to improve their quality of life and ability to adapt to community living for a more enjoyable life.



Principles of Curriculum Design


In line with Hong Kong’s educational goals, we, being student-oriented, select appropriate teaching themes according to students’ interests, abilities, mental and physical developments as well as actual and future living needs. We then arrange and put together different themes according to their development stages, to design series of cohesive and extensible curriculums to facilitate their smooth transition to adult life and continual learning.


Curriculum Structure


Junior Primary Syllabus


The syllabus includes seven basic subjects, namely Chinese Language, Mathematics, General Studies, Self-care, Music, Physical Education and Visual Arts, with infiltrated curriculum added to each subject to establish students’ positive values and attitudes from an early age.


Senior Primary Syllabus


The syllabus, covering the same basic subjects, strengthens the training of daily living process to improve students' cognitive abilities and independence, laying the foundation for their transiting to the junior primary syllabus.


Junior Secondary Syllabus


The syllabus covers subjects such as Chinese Language, Mathematics, General Studies, Music, Physical Education and Visual Arts, with the addition of the Practical Skill subject and job training elements to let students experience various changes during their growth stages for their smooth transition to the senior primary syllabus.


Senior Secondary Syllabus


The syllabus covers three core subjects (Chinese Language, Mathematics and General Education), two elective subjects (to be selected from Music, Physical Education, Visual Arts as well as Technology and Living) and other learning experiences (moral and civic education, social services, work-related experience, artistic development and physical development). The syllabus focuses on broadening students' knowledge base and providing sufficient learning opportunities for whole-person development, to enhance their independence and interpersonal skills to prepare them for leaving school and transiting to adult life.