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Invitational Education

Growth and Development

“Knowing More About IT” in Primary Schools - “Artificial intelligence coding program” course

“Knowing More About IT” in Primary Schools - “Artificial intelligence coding program” course


Our school successfully applied for the “Knowing More About IT in Primary Schools” of Office of the Government Chief information Officer to purchase the robot Kebbi and tablet computers. In order to cultivate students’ interest in artificial intelligence robots, increase their knowledge of using robots and their skill of creativity and also communicating effectively with people, the “Artificial intelligence coding program” course was held. A total of forty-one students participated. After eight hours of training, students can effectively communicate with teacher and robots. Students are curious and interested in learning programming and can cooperate with teachers to edit movements, pictures, sounds and expression materials on the programming platform to create dance moves, story content and express personal feelings. In conclusion, students recognized different emotional expressions and are happy to participate in dancing, doing exercises and telling stories with the robot.


Students learn to swing the robot’s hands and head to perform dance.


Students learn about happy expressions through robots.


Students dance with robots


Students are curious and interested in programming blocks


Students learn story creation.


Students learn to shake hands with robots.