至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Learning and Teaching

Language Subject

Curriculum Objectives

The subject aims to achieve the following goals through different curriculum arrangements, teaching strategies, language stimulation and learning activities: to develop students' concentration ability, basic senses of sight, hearing and touch as well as the ability to recognize and understand symbols, to prepare them for reading, writing, listening and speaking; to improve students' reading, writing, listening and speaking skills; to arouse students’ interest in language learning; to develop students' ability to express their thoughts and feelings as well as to understand the others' feelings through different ways of presentation; to develop basic language skills; to enhance their adaptability for their integration into the society with practical language skills; to cultivate good attitudes and morality through language materials; to let students understand Chinese culture preliminarily.

Study Scope

  • Reading
  • Literature
  • Writing and composition
  • Chinese culture
  • Listening
  • Morality and affection
  • Speaking
  • Thinking
  • Language self-study


Chinese Culture Day


Emotional sharing


Sign language promotion


Cornwall Press~Event interview