至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Rehabilitation Care

Caring and Health Promotion Services

Caring and Health Promotion Services


School Care Services

1.    Promote school hygiene

2.    Order materials and facilities which the School’s Caring Department requires, regularly clean, disinfect and maintain medical supplies, such as first-aid supplies and body check instruments

3.    Arrange, organize and assist with student health check

  • Student regular annual body check
  • Student dental check
  • Student vaccination

4.    Organize influenza vaccination for all teachers, staff and students in the School

5.    Responsible for the prevention and management of contagious diseases

6.    Responsible for the transfer of sick students to medical facilities in the community

7.    Provide specific health education and assistance or referral services to individual students

8.    Organize health education activities

  • Put up health educational posters or leaflets
  • Arrange for first-aid drills, to familiarize teachers and staff with basic first-aid knowledge to safeguard campus safety
  • Organize talks for staff and parents to enhance their health knowledge

9.    Manage, record and compile sickness statistics for monthly reporting

  • Sickness and doctor visit statistics, students’ body temperature, defecation and epilepsy seizure records
  • Computerized student personal health information