至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Learning and Teaching

Self-Care - Teaching Strategies



The teaching mainly involves demonstrations and step-by-step analysis. Students will first observe teachers’ demonstrations and learn with their peers before imitating. According to the abilities of different students, teachers will arrange for individual, group or whole-class exercise. The subject attaches great importance to practice. Teachers will make the most of the daily process to provide more opportunities for students to practise, such as hand washing after going to the toilet and mouth cleaning after having refreshments. Teachers will also make use of school environment, such as toilets, classrooms and the dormitory, to allow students to repeatedly practise knowledge and skills learned at appropriate times in real life environments, for continual and consistent learning in daily living. In addition to demonstrations, step-by-step analysis and environment application, the subject will also adopt strategies such as group, conductive and visual education as well as different rewards to enhance learning effectiveness according to students' abilities and needs.