至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Learning and Teaching

Team on Enhancing Support for Learning and Teaching of Chinese for Non-Chinese Speaking Students

Since 2018, our school has received funding from the Education Bureau’s Enhancing Support for Learning and Teaching of Chinese for Non-Chinese Speaking Students (“NCS”) to encourage and support NCS students to integrate into the community. Therefore, our school has set up a team to co-ordinate and provide a diversified and intensive teaching mode to facilitate NCS students to learn the Chinese language and understand the culture of Hong Kong, China, to promote social harmony and to build an inclusive campus.


Definition of NCS students:

Students whose everyday language at home is not Chinese are classified as NCS students.


Aims of the team:

  • To enhance the interest and ability of NCS students in learning Chinese through intensive Chinese language learning;
  • To provide cultural experience activities to enhance NCS students’ understanding of Chinese culture;
  • To arrange community experiences to help NCS students adapt and integrate into the local community as early as possible;
  • To organise inclusive activities to enhance the cultural sensitivity of all school staff and students, to create a multi-cultural environment and to build an inclusive campus;
  • To enhance communication with parents of NCS students through different modes.


Whole-school measures:

  • Formation of a team: To assign a dedicated teacher to co-ordinate.
  • Learning support: To provide different forms of learning support and activities for NCS students, such as individual counselling and class entry assistance.
  • Inclusive activities: To organise various multi-cultural activities to promote multi-cultural understanding and build an inclusive campus.
  • Teacher training: To enhance the cultural sensitivity of teachers by arranging participation in relevant seminars.
  • Enhance communication with NCS parents: To provide English versions of school circulars, important information, teaching videos, student learning-related documents, etc.