至善至美 和諧共融

Invitational Education

Growth and Development

National Security Education

National Security Education


National security education is part and parcel of national education.  For us, it is imperative to help students develop a sense of belonging towards the nation and the Chinese race, a sense of national identity, as well as an awareness of and a sense of responsibility for safeguarding national security.  In this way, students will grow up to be good citizens who identify with the country, respect the rule of law and abide by the law.


Our school holds a flag-raising ceremony every week. When holding activities to celebrate Constitution Day, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day, National Day and etc. Flag-raising ceremony is also held. By participating in the flag-raising ceremony, students develop their national concepts and sentiments, thus strengthening their sense of national identity


In addition, Values Education Group trains and arranges flag-raising assistants to be on duty. Before the flag-raising ceremony, the flag-raising assistant reminds students, staffs and parents of the etiquettes that they should pay attention to when raising the flag, thereby to cultivate the flag-raising assistants' law-abiding and national identity.


Besides focus on student training, our school also focuses on teachers’ training. The Values ​​Education Group cooperates with the Physical Education Subject every year to hold a flag-raising ceremony skills review training, requiring all teachers in the school to participate in the flag-raising training. It can strengthen the teachers' skills and confidence in flag-raising, thereby increasing teachers' sense of national identity.


The Values Education Group Cooperates with the Civic and Social Development to introduce information related to national education in the morning assembly, including National Day, Constitution Day, National Security Education Day and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day. There are interactive links to allow students to increase their understanding of important days through activities. Some exhibition boards for Constitution Day and National Security Education Day are also displayed in the covered playground, allowing faculty, students and parents to let them have a deeper understanding about Constitution Day and National Security Education Day.


The Values ​​Education Group organizes Chinese New Year Activities every year to increase students' understanding of Chinese culture.In addition, the Values ​​Education Gruop organizes a“ China Tour-Shanghai ” every year to introduce a Chinese city to students. Through different experiential activities, such as performances, Shanghai photo shooting, Shanghai’s handicrafts and Shanghai's food tasting students can understand the history and customs of Chinese cities from different aspects, and increase students' understanding of Chinese cities.


Furthermore, school also focus on parent education. On parents ’day, there were national security education display boards. It introduced relevant information about national security education to parents and show how our school implements national security education, so that parents can have a deeper understanding of national security. In addition, our school distributed pamphlets related to national security education to students, and at the same time allow parents to deepen their understanding of our country through the pamphlets.